

健康 英語




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出典URL: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.22.457114v1.full







Therefore, mutations in the RBD alone do not explain the high infectivity of the Delta variant. In contrast, among Delta mutations, several substitutions or deletions in the NTD—T19R, G142D, E156G, F157del and R158del—have not been observed in other major variants. This suggests that mutations in the NTD may play a key role in the high infectivity of the Delta variant.


Although anti-RBD antibodies are thought to play a dominant role in vaccine-induced immunity against SARS-CoV-2 (Robbiani et al., 2020), neutralizing antibodies directed against the NTD are also important for SARS-CoV-2 neutralization (Chi et al., 2020Li et al., 2021Liu et al., 2020Suryadevara et al., 2021Voss et al., 2021). 


Moreover, we and others have recently demonstrated that antibodies against a specific site on the NTD can enhance the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 by inducing the open form of the RBD (Li et al., 2021Liu et al., 2021b).


Therefore, it is important to elucidate the function of both the neutralizing and enhancing antibodies in order to understand the pathogenicity of the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.


In addition to the 13 published anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies (Chi et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2020; Suryadevara et al., 2021; Voss et al., 2021), we found that COV2-2016, COV2-2026 and COV2-2150 are also anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies for wild-type spike (Figure 1B). We analyzed these 16 anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies, and found that none of the anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies could recognize Delta spike (Figure 1A).

発表されている13種類の抗NTD中和抗体(Chi et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2020; Suryadevara et al., 2021; Voss et al., 2021)に加えて、COV2-2016, COV2-2026, COV2-2150も野生型スパイクに対する抗NTD中和抗体であることがわかった(図1B)。これら16種類の抗NTD中和抗体を解析したところ、いずれの抗NTD中和抗体もDeltaスパイクを認識できませんでした(図1A)。

 In contrast, when we analyzed the binding of the anti-NTD infectivity-enhancing antibodoies (Li et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021b), eight out of ten anti-NTD enhancing antibodies bound to Delta spike at levels comparable with wild-type spike (Figure 1A). 

 一方、抗NTD感染力増強抗体(Li et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021b)の結合を解析したところ、10種類の抗NTD感染力増強抗体のうち8種類が、野生型スパイクと同等のレベルでDeltaスパイクに結合した(図1A)。

All anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies we tested failed to recognize the Delta spike protein (Figure 1A). 

As expected, these anti-NTD antibodies did not neutralize infection by the Delta pseudovirus, whereas they decreased the infectivity of the wild-type pseudovirus (Figure 1B). 



When the effect of the enhancing antibodies was analyzed, the infectivity enhancement of the Delta pseudovirus by some of the enhancing antibodies was more than that of the wild-type pseudovirus (Figure 1D). 


Most anti-RBD antibodies recognized Delta spike with a single additional mutation, but not the Delta 4+ spike protein. 

ほとんどの抗RBD抗体は、単一の追加変異を持つDeltaスパイクを認識したが、Delta 4+スパイクタンパク質は認識しなかった

Because most neutralizing antibodies against either NTD or RBD do not work for the Delta 4+ pseudovirus, while most enhancing antibodies remain functional for the Delta 4+ pseudovirus, the increased infectivity in the presence of BNT162b2-immune sera appears to be mediated by anti-NTD enhancing antibodies.

NTDまたはRBDのいずれかに対するほとんどの中和抗体はDelta 4+シュードウイルスに対して機能しないが、ほとんどの増強抗体はDelta 4+シュードウイルスに対して機能を維持するため、BNT162b2免疫血清の存在下での感染性の増加は、抗NTD増強抗体によって媒介されていると思われる。

most neutralizing antibodies bound to the Delta RBD and neutralized the infection. Therefore, mutations in the RBD alone may not explain the decreased neutralizing titers of the BNT162b2-immune sera against the Delta variant.

ほとんどの中和抗体はDelta RBDに結合し、感染を中和した。したがって、RBDの変異だけでは、デルタ変異体に対するBNT162b2免疫血清の中和力の低下を説明できない可能性がある。

The Delta variant has multiple mutations in the NTD: T19R, G142D, E156G, F157del and R158del. All anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies failed to recognize the Delta spike, indicating that the Delta variant is completely resistant to anti-NTD neutralizing antibodies elicited by wild-type spike protein, which is the antigenic component of widely used mRNA vaccines. 

In contrast, most anti-NTD enhancing antibodies recognized Delta spike at the same level as wild-type spike, and some anti-NTD enhancing antibodies exhibited increased infectivity enhancement by Delta pseudovirus compared to wild-type pseudovirus. 



Therefore, there is a possibility that the enhancing effect might be more pronounced against the Delta 4+ pseudovirus with immune sera of adenovirus vaccines or inactivated vaccines, similar to BNT162b2 immune sera with low neutralizing titers. 

したがって、中和力の低いBNT162b2免疫血清と同様に、アデノウイルスワクチンや不活化ワクチンの免疫血清では、Delta 4+シュードウイルスに対する増強効果がより顕著になる可能性があると考えられる。

The sera of some mice showed enhancement of the Delta 4+ pseudovirus infection, while others showed neutralization at any serum concentration. The delicate balance of antibody titer, affinity, or epitope between neutralizing and enhancing antibodies might affect the effect of sera on the infectivity. It is important to further analyze the characteristics of neutralizing and enhancing antibodies produced after immunization.

あるマウスの血清はDelta 4+ pseudovirusの感染を増強したが、他のマウスはどの血清濃度でも中和を示した。中和抗体と増強抗体の抗体価,親和性,エピトープの微妙なバランスが,血清の感染性への影響に影響しているのかもしれない.免疫後に産生される中和抗体と増強抗体の特徴をさらに解析することが重要である。

The Delta variant with 4 additional mutations in the RBD were not neutralized by most BNT162b2-immune sera because of unique mutations in the NTD. More importantly, infectivity of the Delta 4+ was enhanced by some BNT162b2-immune sera. 

RBDに4つの追加変異があるDeltaバリアントは、NTDにユニークな変異があるため、ほとんどのBNT162b2免疫血清で中和されなかった。さらに重要なことは、Delta 4+の感染力は、一部のBNT162b2免疫血清によって増強されたことである。

A third round of booster immunization with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is currently under consideration. Our data suggest that repeated immunization with the wild-type spike may not be effective in controlling the newly emerging Delta variants. 


However, epitopes of the enhancing antibodies, not neutralizing antibodies, are well conserved in most SARS-CoV-2 variants, including the Delta variant. 

Therefore, additional immunization of the spike protein derived from SARS-CoV-2 variants may boost enhancing antibodies more than the neutralizing antibodies in individuals who were previously infected with wild-type SARS-CoV-2 or immunized with vaccines composed of wild-type spike protein. 

しかし、中和抗体ではなく増強抗体のエピトープは、Delta variantを含むほとんどのSARS-CoV-2 variantでよく保存されている


-健康, 英語



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